Hey CHANMIN... 🐱
I am one for 🧀y and 🌽y things, my contribution is this cringey website. Muahahahahahaha😈
I know you'll despise this, that is why I made this.
This is for you.

Happy birthday, my dearest love! 🎂💎🎉
I wish you many happy returns, lots of health and of course lots of wealth. Thanks for being born on the easiest day to remember lol. Does this mean I have to give you two presents?

Consider this gift one. 🎁#️⃣1️⃣
For gift two 🎁#️⃣2️⃣, tell me if there is a game🃏🎮 you want on steam and I will gift it to you.Though you'll probably say that you won't have any time to play.
Don't reject it. It will do damage to my ego if you decline.

How nice am I?! Lol I deserve better.
jk but really... I'm too nice. 🤣🙃😉

But back to you -
Thanks for somehow showing up into my life and staying. Don't know why you do, but I'm happy anyways. I'm happy you exist and that I can celebrate your 23rd trip around the sun.And also for you letting me into your life. I'm happiest about that.

You are so special to me. You are an amazing, considerate, patient, kind, wonderful person and so much more. ❤️
Have a good time with your family on your special shared day with J.C.

I love you!💗
With Love,
Your Anna